Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The enthronement of Patriarch Tawadros II the 118th Patriarch of Alexandria

Axios, Axios, Axios the church shouted in joy and happiness. On Sunday November 18th we remember a few things. It was the same day the council of Nicaea began according to the Synaxrium. Also more importantly we remember the day of the Lord and His resurrection (Sunday). Also on this very special day we also remember the enthronement of His Holiness Patriarch Tawadros II, the 118th Patriarch of Alexandria decedent from the Apostle St. Mark. What a true joy it is to share in such a blessing. The church had not witnessed such a moment since 1971 with the enthronement of his late Patriarch Shenounda III, his memory be eternal. November 18th was for many a blessed day because it was the first time they got to see such an occasion within the church. One should appreciate the beauty and depth of the Orthodox Church after seeing what they saw. Most important the love that all Orthodox Churches have for each other was truly expressed on this day. Many representatives from all Orthodox Churches were present and this shows the love we all have for each other. The selfless sacrifice that we are called to carry out in our lives. The love was also expressed at the climax moment when Metropolitan Bachomius said and I will paraphrase here I will return to my dioceses to serve under the feet of my son Patriarch Tawadross II. How amazing, is this as Metropolitan Bachomius essentially was saying that me being the teacher will learn from the kid I brought up and thought to be my student. This is the ultimate form of love and sacrifice anyone can show to another human being. Truly a blessed service and may God grant the newly ordained Patriarch Tawadros II many years and a peaceful time at the Patriarch of Alexandria and to all Orthodox Christians in the world. The joy of this celebration can be expressed by one word as Patriarch Theodore II, the Greek Patriarch of Alexandria proclaimed when giving his gift to Patriarch Tawadros; Axios!    

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